
Get trusted 24/7 help for anxiety, depression, grief and more.

Virtual Visits – For Everyday Support and Urgent Needs So many of us deal with mental and emotional hardships – and yet too few of us reach out for support. Whether you’re dealing with everyday issues or you’re in need of urgent help, it’s never been easier to get the support you need. Many of

Virtual Visits: Trusted Help for Your Physical, Emotional and Behavioral Health Needs

We get it – life is busy. And you don’t always find the time to take care of your body, mind and emotional health as much as you’d like. But your health and well-being are important, so we have some good news for you. Getting expert, trusted help from doctors and therapists has never been

Pushing Life’s Little Buttons

By Lora Felger Are you technologically inclined? I don’t mean working on the computer – I’m talking about all those little automatic buttons and gadgets we have in our lives to make things “easier.” Opening our garage door with our phones. Watching the squirrels dig out our flower pots via camera doorbell. Vacuum cleaner robots

Coming Full Circle

By Ashley Wicker I don’t know why, but lately everywhere I look I see so many things becoming popular that are from “back in the day.” Yes, we all know as each day goes by, we’re getting just a bit older. We don’t feel it – but as I look back three or six months

Turning Loss Into Luck

By Denny Mekus March is a special month for me because of St. Patrick’s Day. A day burned into my memory like no other. My beautiful wife and I were married nearly 10 years, and we wanted nothing more than to become first-time parents. Our prayers were finally answered, and we were headed to our

Embrace Change

By Breck Obermeyer My family and I were taking a trip, and when we were in the car we started idly chatting about this or that. My husband brought up the fact that he’d seen a Bluetooth rotary phone. We laughed at how odd that sounded and how people these days might not even know

Please remember to smile.

No doubt like many of us in the past few years, my family attended a funeral of a close friend not too long ago. And once again the mind of my 10-year-old surprised me and taught me something to remember. As we sat down at this small intimate gathering of family and friends – some

New Faces New Places Same Hometown Coverage

I’m the new kid in town. There seem to be a lot of us here in the greater Raleigh/Wake County metropolitan area who lay claim to that moniker. I know I speak for all of us when I say to y’all, thanks for making us feel so welcome! Southern hospitality isn’t just an imaginary dream

Embrace a theme.

January. 2022. A New Year. New beginnings. It’s that time of year when you self-impose New Year resolutions on yourself. Lose 15 pounds. Save $500. Stop smoking. You know the New Year drill. Goals are set – sometimes realistic and sometimes lofty – and then the year progresses and a large majority of people don’t

See the doctor from the comfort of your home.

Make your next appointment a virtual visit. We have an exciting announcement for our Hally® health members: Your health plan’s covered benefits now include virtual visits through the new and improved Hally member account and mobile app. It’s never been easier or more convenient to check in with a doctor or therapist for your health

Each Year a Blessing: Tips for Healthy Aging

Aging. For many, it’s a daunting topic – but it shouldn’t be! We’re living longer than ever thanks to improvements in healthcare and technology. And we’re not just living longer years – we’re living better years, well into “old” age. So aging shouldn’t be unsettling to us, as long as we take the right steps

Hally Healthcast: Busting 5 Myths about Aging

Hally® Healthcast is the monthly wellness podcast from Hally® health. This month we discuss healthy aging with Faith Roberts, MSN, RN, and the Executive Director of Community Engagement at Carle in Urbana. Listen here, or read a quick summary in the article below. Healthy Aging: Don’t Fall Victim to These Aging Myths! Fact: we all