Britney Kirby

Help us better meet your needs.

Why We’re Asking About Race and Ethnicity As your trusted health plan, we’re your partner. It’s part of our job to always keep you informed on what we’re doing to better serve your needs. You may be wondering why we recently started asking for information on your race and ethnicity. Like everything we do, it’s

Hally Healthcast: Stay Safe This Summer – UV Safety, Eye Injury Prevention, Heat Safety and More

Hally® Healthcast is the wellness podcast from Hally® health – your partner in helping you live your healthiest life. Today’s episode is all about summer safety. With summer in full swing, it’s the perfect time to learn tips that’ll help keep you and your family safe. We’ll talk about sun safety, protection against the heat,

Protect your eyes from the summer sun.

Tips, Info and More Summer – it’s one of the best times of the year, especially for those of us who love being outside. Whether you enjoy the beach, picnics, sporting events, hikes or any other type of outdoor fun, make sure you keep your eyes protected from the sun this summer. Here’s what you

Avocado and Shrimp Salad Recipe

Is it a migraine?

What to know about the different types of headaches. Your head hurts. You want relief. But is it a migraine or a different type of headache? Knowing what you have will help you get better treatment – and help you get rid of the pain quicker. Here’s what you should know. All headaches aren’t the

Hally Healthcast: National Pride Month

Hally® Healthcast is the wellness podcast from Hally® health – your partner in helping you live your healthiest life. June is Pride Month, a time to celebrate and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. So on our episode today, we take a look at how to create truly equitable and inclusive healthcare environments, services and experiences

Hally Healthcast: Body Image – A Healthier Approach

Hally® Healthcast is the wellness podcast from Hally® health – your partner in helping you live your healthiest life. Today we’re talking about body image – specifically, how to help ourselves and our loved ones develop a healthier way to think about our bodies and how they look. The modern culture around us – on

Hally Healthcast: National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

Hally® Healthcast is the wellness podcast from Hally® health – your partner in helping you live your healthiest life. Today’s episode is all about food allergies. May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, so it’s the perfect time to learn more about this important topic. Here with us is Amy Earley-Jessup. She’s an APRN

Cucumber Blueberry Salad Recipe

Sleep your way to better mental health.

You know how it feels when you don’t get enough sleep – your muscles ache, your eyelids droop and your whole body is simply exhausted. But did you know that your mental and emotional health are also affected by the amount of Zs you get at night? Read on to discover how sleep affects your

Hally Healthcast: Advances in Autism Research

Hally® Healthcast is the wellness podcast from Hally® health – your partner in helping you live your healthiest life. April is Autism Acceptance Month, so today we’re talking about autism spectrum disorder, or ASD. Specifically, we’ll be discussing advances in scientific research focused on treatment, care and learning more about ASD. Here with us is

Simple Persian Salad