Maghan Fleming

Hally Healthcast: 5 Key Things to Know About Colorectal Cancer and Prevention

Hally® Healthcast is the monthly wellness podcast from Hally health. March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, so today we’re talking about this common disease, and – most importantly – how to catch it early or even prevent it. Here with us is Robert Good, DO, MACOI, physician and associate chief medical officer for population

Hally Healthcast: 5 Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Hally® Healthcast is the monthly wellness podcast from Hally health. February’s focus on hearts involves more than just Valentine’s Day. It’s American Heart Month, the perfect time to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease and how important it is to take care of our hearts. Our guest is Karen Wiarda, DO, a cardiologist at Carle Heart

Spinach Bean Soup

Hally Healthcast: COVID-19, the Vaccine and Coping During the Pandemic

Hally® Healthcast is the monthly wellness podcast from Hally health. This month, we explore COVID-19 through three important sets of eyes: doctors, nurses and pharmacists. The panel discusses the ups and downs we’ve experienced lately in our fight against the pandemic, answers common questions about the new vaccines and chats about mental health and coping