Frequently Asked Questions for Health Alliance™ FHIR API
Who can use the Health Alliance FHIR API?
All Health Alliance and partner members can use the Health Alliance FHIR API through an approved 3rd party client app.
How do I register a new third-party application?
To connect with Health Alliance data we will need:
- Client Url – the url that describes what your client is
- Redirect Url – the client’s url to return to after successful login
- Post logout Url – the client url to return to after a user logs out of the client app
- If you are a member of Carin Alliance please send your certificate.
Email this client information to [email protected]
What are the authorization URLs and scopes for the API?
This API uses IdentityServer4 which utilizes OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 for its authorization protocols. You can find the URLs needed for token acquisition and authorization in the smart-configuration here:
What FHIR API resources are available?
The patient access API documentation for each resource can be found on the pages below:
- Coverage
- ExplanationOfBenefit
- HealthcareService
- InsurancePlan
- List
- Location
- MedicationKnowledge
- Organization
- Patient
- Practitioner
- PractitionerRole
Can I use my own client to connect and use my Health Alliance FHIR data?
Health Alliance is currently only working with corporate client providers at this time.