In 2025, we peeled another milestone off the calendar and realize that those born in 1960 are turning 65 and becoming eligible for Medicare. Let’s stop for a minute and think about that. Those born in the ‘60s are going to start registering for Medicare and circling dates on their calendars to retire. Teenagers in the era of disco. College students in the idyllic ‘80s. Those who were too young to remember where they were when Kennedy was shot but do remember where they were when Reagan met the same fate. They’ve never known anything other than color television. Feeling just a wee bit older now?
The decision on when and how to retire, sign up for Social Security and when to take Medicare has gotten a bit more complicated with this new generation of 60-somethings. Changes made to Social Security in the 1980s have pushed back the “full retirement age” to the age of 67 for those born after 1960. Deciding to retire at the age of 62 – like a mother/father or grandparent- will bring about a reduced benefit amount in those monthly Social Security checks. Remaining on the job until the age of 70 entices them with an even larger amount in their monthly check.
The eligible age for Medicare, however, remains at 65 years old, unless a health condition determines disability.
This is what you need to know if you’re preparing to turn 65 this year or in the next couple years:
- The Medicare Initial Enrollment Period begins three months prior to the month of your 65th birthday and remains open until three months after the month of your birthday.
- At 65, you’re eligible to sign up for both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.
At age 65, you don’t have to do either of these if you don’t want/need to. Why? Because you may choose to continue working until you’ve achieved your full retirement age of 67 as regulated by Social Security.
Seem a bit confusing and complicated? It can be.
Your health plan understands how confusing and complicated the decision about when to retire, when to sign up for Medicare and what the rules and pitfalls can be if the right deadlines don’t get met along the way.
That’s why we offer monthly Prepare for Medicare sessions live online through our website. We stand ready to see you through the steps to take for signing up for the first time for Medicare. We ask questions to help you decide whether you should accept your Medicare coverage when you turn 65 or whether it makes sense for you to wait until later after you retire. We’re there to answer your unique questions and develop that relationship you might need with an expert as your guide.
Click the link to either health plan’s monthly Online Prepare for Medicare sessions. Sign up online from the link:
Health Alliance Service Area- Health Alliance Events
FirstMedicare Direct Service Area – FirstMedicare Direct Events