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Pink Eye Poetry

Parents and guardians: To help your kids learn about pink eye – and how to stop its spread – share this fun poem with them!

Have you heard about pink eye?
Do you know what it is?
Let me teach you about it,
And there won’t be a quiz!

If your eyes feel all itchy,
And get reddish or pink,
Get puffy or swelled up,
Or crusty when you blink.

You might just have pink eye,
Tell your mom or your dad,
They can help you and treat you,
So you don’t feel as bad!

They might give you eyedrops,
Put a cold cloth on your face,
Keep your towels from others,
Your sheets in a separate place.

They’ll make sure you wash your hands,
Kill those germs on the spot,
And then wash them again,
And keep washin’ them a lot!

Because pink eye can spread,
From one person to another,
And you can help protect,
Friends, sisters and brothers.

For most kids and adults,
Your pink eye will heal,
In one week or two,
Won’t be no big deal.

You probably won’t need
Medicine or pills,
But if it’s bad see your doc,
They’ll help cure your ills.

And remember always,
To keep pink eye away,
Wash, wash those hands,
Many times every day!

Parents and guardians: For more information on pink eye and its symptoms, causes, prevention, treatment and more – including when to see a doctor – visit the website of the National Eye Institute (part of the federal government’s National Institutes of Health):