Amazing Facts About the Brain – and Brain Health – for Kids
Every June, people think about their brain and how to keep it healthy. In fact, you should do so all year round! Here are some fun facts about your brain – and tips to keep it healthy for years. Share these with your friends, family and classmates.
- Your brain has nerve cells called neurons. These send messages all over your body to allow you to talk, walk, eat, think and more. How many neurons are in your brain? About 86 billion!
- Neurons send information throughout your body at 268 miles per hour!
- Your brain also has 100,000 miles of blood vessels – enough to circle the earth four times!
- What does a brain feel like? A loose Jello dessert!
- Your brain won’t be fully formed until you’re 25 years old!
- An adult brain weighs 3 pounds!
- It’s not true that you only use 10% of your brain – that’s an old myth! You actually use all of it.
- Your brain can create enough power to light a lightbulb!
Want to know another surprising fact? To have a healthy brain as you get older, you can start doing things now! Here are some actions you can take:
- Eat healthy, nutritious meals and snacks that are full of the important vitamins and minerals your brain needs. Have your parents or guardians ask your doctor for tips on brain-boosting, yummy foods!
- Get moving! Exercise helps your brain stay healthy, so play your favorite sport, get out and about with your friends, hike your favorite trails, and keep your body moving!
- Wear a helmet when riding your bike, scooter or skateboard – and when playing sports where you need to protect your head.
- Never do drugs, don’t drink alcohol and say “no” to all tobacco –don’t smoke, vape, dip, chew or snuff.
- Get plenty of sleep.
- Never dive headfirst into shallow (not-deep) water.
- Give your brain a workout! Do fun and challenging activities like puzzles, riddles, reading, playing music, creating artwork, playing card games, etc. Find things you love and work up a “mental sweat!”
There you have it – you have the power to take steps now, as a kid, to help keep your brain healthy! Help spread the word about these amazing and important facts.
Sources: Northwestern Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Cleveland Clinic, Nemours Children’s Health, Mayo Clinic, University of Washington.