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Hey June!

By Sherry Gordon-Harris

Every season, I can’t wait for the next season to be here (like when it’s finally summer, I’m waiting for fall and the cooler temperatures). I’ve always done that, but I’m getting better about living in the moment.

Hey June! Now that the beginning of summer is here, I’ve started thinking about a few questions. How do you want to enjoy the season we’re in? What would you like to accomplish this summer that maybe you’ve wanted to accomplish in summers past, but haven’t?

Here’s my “goal list” for a really fun family summer:

  1. I want to travel more – much more. I didn’t get to go visit my Mama for the holidays because of the weather and the safety risks. Now that the snow is gone and the weather is warmer, it’s time to travel.
  2. I want to take the family to a water park and amusement park.
  3. I want to attend family reunions, picnics in the park and outdoor music festivals.
  4. In the vein of family dinners, I want to try more fun summer recipes that will make me a culinary legend in my family’s eyes.

While you’re out accomplishing your summer goals, don’t forget about summer safety tips. Remember to never leave little ones or animals in any hot car (or hot area in general), drink plenty of water and make sure that your loved ones are getting enough hydration too – fur family included!

If you take walks late in the evening or early in the morning when there’s less light, remember to wear light or bright clothing, and maybe have a reflective light or flashlight with you – or even a reflective vest – so that people can see you and you stay safe.

Sunscreen is always important, no matter what time of year. Don’t let a cloudy day fool you when it comes to sun protection. Wearing sunscreen on cloudy days is as important as wearing it on sunny days – but on cloudy days, the sun is being sneaky, and you don’t realize how much sun you’re getting.

Summer fun awaits – have a safe and goal-filled June and beyond!

Sherry Gordon-Harris is a community liaison at Health AllianceTM. She’s a wife and mother of two boys. She enjoys traveling, collecting dolls, and hosting princess parties and pageants.

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