Featured Articles

Don’t forget your pets.

By James M. How

One of the things I love about western North Carolina is how pet-friendly it is. There always seems to be a venue, new restaurant or event that encourages patrons to bring their pets. Spring’s in full swing and we’ve gotten through a cold winter with multiple winter storms, so as we make our way out of our shelters, don’t forget the ones who comforted us when we were stuck inside. Now I’ll be honest – I’m a dog person, so this article may be a little geared toward man’s best friend.

When the pandemic first started, way back in 2020, pet adoption skyrocketed. Veterinary Humanities and Social Sciences calculated that pet adoption increased by up to 250% back in April and May of that year. That’s great for dogs and cats who didn’t have a loving home and family to call their own. As the pandemic continued, these pets offered a valuable service to their owners – love and companionship during some truly difficult months. When your dog or cat comes over and sits next to you after a long and stressful day, and just wants to be petted, it’s therapeutic!

So as things continue to open up, let’s not forget the ones who sat by us all those shut-in days. Cats and (especially!) dogs are social animals and have emotions just like us. As much as we’d like to get out, stretch our legs and meet with friends, so too will our furry companions. If you plan on going to a park, a nice nature trail or on an outdoor pub crawl, bring along the family pet. Show them that the love and support they gave you when you needed it was appreciated – and that you’re willing to return the favor. Whenever we bring our two dogs, Kea and Cooper, out with us to places, they’re welcomed with open arms (literally!) and the treats start flowing. You can see the light in their eyes and a big smile on their faces. It makes us feel good – and as much as we humans appreciate a sense of normalcy, Kea and Cooper appreciate it too. 

So get out there with your pets! The weather’s perfect and there’s plenty to do. Check out the North Carolina Senior Games, going on right now across the state. Participate, volunteer or simply show your support by just attending the games to cheer everyone on (dogs are great for that too!). FirstCarolinaCare loves this time of year and you can bet on seeing us there – we’ll be volunteering and supporting this vibrant community we’re grateful to serve. I hope to see you and your furry companions!

James How is a community outreach/Medicare advisor with FirstCarolinaCare. He loves living in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains and enjoys hiking, camping or just sitting by an open fire with his wife, their two crazy dogs, Kea and Cooper, and a bag of marshmallows.

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