Required Plan Communications Notice

Communications are based on the plan you have. You will get new communications as they become electronic. If there is not an electronic version, we will send by mail.

How will communications be sent?

We will send you an email when a document is ready to view online.

What if my email changes?

Update your email right away. It is your responsibility to give us correct information. Communications may be delayed if we have the wrong information. If this happens, you hold us harmless.

What happens if I change plans?

If you change or add a benefit plan, program, product or service, we may use the same contact information you provided before.

Can I go back to mail?

Yes, you may change your mind at any time. You may change your choice by going to your member website or mobile application or call the member number on your ID card. Paperless delivery will stay until you change your choice to mail. Changes may take up to seven business days to process.

Can I get a paper copy?

Yes, you have the right to a free paper copy. You may print a copy on your member website or call the member number on your ID card and we will mail it to you.

Hardware and software requirements